Who We Are

Career Management Advisors (CMA)


Career Management Advisors, CMA Consulting, brings years of real-world actual “sat in the seat” professional experience in the financial services industry.


Howard Milstein

Howard Milstein serves as Chairman of the CMA Advisory Board. Mr. Milstein is Chairman and CEO of the family’s business operations, including New York Private Bank & Trust Corporation (the holding Company for Emigrant Bank), Milstein Properties, and various Milstein Brothers operations in real estate development and management in New York and Chicago. He is a founding partner of Friedberg Milstein, an alternative asset investment manager.

For a combined service of over thirty years, Mr. Milstein has been a member of the Investment Committee for Cornell University’s multi billion dollar endowment, and has chaired its Real Estate Sub-Committee, achieving top quartile returns throughout the period. Also, he has guided the investments of the New York Blood Center’s $300 million endowment as Chairman of the Board. Mr. Milstein’s other civic and philanthropic efforts include: Chairman of the American Skin Association; Trustee and Presidential Counselor, Cornell University; and Overseer, Cornell Medical College. He is a member of the Harvard Law School Visiting Committee and the Executive Committee of the HLS Dean’s Advisory Board. Additionally, he serves on the Boards of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia, and on the Shakespeare Theater in Washington DC. Mr. Milstein received his B.A. from Cornell University and a J.D. and an M.B.A. from Harvard University


Our expert team will help you

We provide a combination of valuable perspectives having built and sold RIAs, served in senior executive leadership, field management and sales roles representing global banks, brokerage and investment firms, and private wealth manager.

$ 0 B

Retained by global financial services company ($581B in AUM) to identify candidates for entry level, lateral sales, and senior C-Suite roles in the business.

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Conducted due diligence and valuation analysis of RIA seller for $113B buyer and advised on potential deal structures.

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Represented a $2.8MM wire-house advisor to assess RIA options for transition to independence. Successfully matched candidate with RIA.

$ 0 B

Conducted comprehensive review for a $3.5B independent Broker/Dealer/RIA of their wealth management business, developed and executed strategy for enhancement and growth.